Being obese is not healthy. But wokes confuse things. We models have to reflect happy, healthy, nice and productive people. The right and moral way to be. But today the model dresses like a criminal (hybristophilia) and obese. It is not moral or healthy.
— HectorRosalesOfficial🇲🇽🇺🇸 (@HectorROficial) January 26, 2023
Being obese is not healthy. But they woke's confuse things. We models have to reflect happy, healthy, nice and productive people. The right and moral way to be. But today the model dresses like a criminal (hybristophilia) and is obese. It is not moral or healthy.
Ser obeso no es saludable. Pero despertaron cosas confusas. Los modelos tenemos que reflejar (representar) personas felices, sanas, agradables y productivas. La manera correcta y moral de ser. Pero hoy la modelo viste como una criminal (hibristofilia) y está obesa. No es moral ni saludable.
😃 It is their health and appearance, they get angry because we give them advice to be better people.
— HectorRosalesOfficial🇲🇽🇺🇸 (@HectorROficial) January 26, 2023
Nacionalista blanco dijo: "I mean there's a positive for you all being fat. Heart disease and other illnesses will mean less time on the planet. Thanks for solving the problem for us".
"Lo positivo es que todos los obesos se enferman del corazón y otras enfermedades y viven menos. Gracias por resolver el problema".
Go woke, go broke
— Shawnasaurus Rex (@ShawnG927) January 15, 2023
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